Tuesday, December 11, 2007

News from our India Ministry Trip

Thanks to all of your for your prayers while we were in India. I can assure you that your prayers were heard and answered! I was accompanied on this trip by Felicia Burgess, Linda Epperson and Deloris Holden.

Here are some of the highlights:

1. We led the first ever Church of God Women's conference in Kakinada, India.
2. There were over 330 in attendance including pastors' wives, district pastors' wives, 50 Bible college female students and over 100 local ladies.
3. I preached to over 800 men and women on Sunday.
4. KSM gave out over 300 hair barrettes to the participants of the conference. We distributed 20 pairs of shoes to the college girls and shirts to the boys.

On the last Sunday that we were there, we had a mighty move of the Holy Ghost. A lady who was paralyzed on her right side was healed. She lifted her right arm in the air and moved her right leg up and down! I had her walk all by herself in the church as a witness to her healing. Brother Reddi's music director after prayer was so overcomed by the Holy Ghost he became uncontrollable to the point the Bible Schools kids had to sit on him. (I had never witnessed anything quite like it!) His dad is a COG preacher that could not feed him and his brother so he ws sentto the orphanage to be raised. He is now married and has a calling on his life. God really gave him an unusual anointing to the point he said He would never be the same. The overseer's wife was slain for the first time in her life. She had asked God to slay her and He gave her the desires of her heart.

Both the overseer and his wife said it was an awesome conference and the ministers' wives said they were going back to their villages to do more for God.

To those of you who prayed and gave to this project, remember, you have sown a seed in this harvest!

It's not the one who plants or the one who waters who is at the center of this process but God, who makes things grow. Planting and watering are menial servant jobs at minimum wages. What makes them worth doing is the God we are serving. (1 Cor. 3:6, The Message)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Pray for the India Missions Trip

I will be leaving for India on Wednesday, November 7 to go to India once again.

As you know, years ago God revealed to me that I would be preaching to hundreds in another culture. I am so thankful that God has opened the door for this ministry opportunity and connection.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, November 13-14, I will be ministering in a Women's Conference. There will be three services each day. We are believing that God will provide for 350 women to attend the conference.

I am asking that you join with me in prayer "across the miles" as my team ministers.
  • Pray for an anointing on my preaching and the team's ministry
  • Pray for protection and immunity to disease
  • Pray for provision for 350 women to attend
  • Pray for "traveling mercies" as we go and return
  • Pray for our families while we are away
I look forward to reporting great things!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Fall Encounter 2007 - "Chosen For The King"

It's time again for us to meet together and meet with God! The Fall Encounter is scheduled for November 1-2 in Sevierville/Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. The theme this year will be Chosen For The King. I will be ministering on Friday night and Sister Ella Cunningham will minister to us on Thursday evening.

The evening services will be held at Oak St. Church of God where God has met us so many times!

Once again, I have reserved rooms at the Econo Lodge Riverside at 2240 Parkway in Pigeon Forge. If there are four to a room, you cost is $55 per person; the cost for three to a room is $65 per person; and if there are two to a room the cost is $75 per person. A non-refundable $25 deposit for each person in a room must be in by September 15. The remainder is due by October 15.

Please mail deposits and payments to:
Reverend Margaret Whichard
3608 Cowboy Ln.
Charlotte, NC 28216

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Dear Friends,

What a wonderful time to be at work in the Kingdom! With the internet and email, I am better able to stay in touch with all of you. This blog will allow me to keep my friends updated on what we are doing and has the potential of introducing our ministry to everyone in the world!

From time to time I will post an update on our ministry or a message I feel God has given me for you. Feel free to comment on the posts as you feel led. I love to hear what God is doing in your life.

With love,
Sister Margaret